ATS48 series Soft Starter



Sku Price Voltage Amperes Puissance in Stock
$3,718.05 208V- 690V 96A 22kW - 90kW on command
$5,041.07 208V- 690V 156A 37kW - 160kW on command
$5,749.77 208V- 690V 180A 45kW - 200kW on command
$6,553.77 208V- 690V 240A 55kW - 250kW on command
$7,560.65 208V- 690V 302A 75kW - 315kW on command
$9,306.43 208V- 690V 361A 90kW - 400kW on command
$10,834.23 208V- 690V 414A 110kW - 500kW on command
$12,916.92 208V- 690V 477A 132kW - 560kW on command
$1,527.80 208V- 690V 14A 4kW - 15kW on command
$1,638.20 208V- 690V 21A 5.5kW - 18.5kW on command
$1,765.60 208V- 690V 27A 5.5kW - 22kW on command
$1,970.38 208V- 690V 34A 7.5kW - 30kW on command
$2,190.25 208V- 690V 40A 11kW - 37kW on command
$2,489.40 208V- 690V 52A 11kW - 45kW on command
$2,819.68 208V- 690V 65A 15kW - 55kW on command
$3,260.37 208V- 690V 77A 18.5kW - 75kW on command

* Prices are in Canadian dollars. Taxes and shipping not included.

Request for information

Description :

Schneider ATS48 series Soft Starter

Please see list below to know the power output for each model

ATS48C11Y :

22 kW at 230 V for severe applications
30 kW at 230 V for standard applications
45 kW at 400 V for severe applications
45 kW at 440 V for severe applications
55 kW at 400 V for standard applications
55 kW at 440 V for standard applications
55 kW at 500 V for severe applications
55 kW at 525 V for severe applications
75 kW at 500 V for standard applications
75 kW at 525 V for standard applications
75 kW at 660 V for severe applications
75 kW at 690 V for severe applications
90 kW at 660 V for standard applications
90 kW at 690 V for standard (…)

Schneider ATS48 series Soft Starter

Please see list below to know the power output for each model

ATS48C11Y :

22 kW at 230 V for severe applications
30 kW at 230 V for standard applications
45 kW at 400 V for severe applications
45 kW at 440 V for severe applications
55 kW at 400 V for standard applications
55 kW at 440 V for standard applications
55 kW at 500 V for severe applications
55 kW at 525 V for severe applications
75 kW at 500 V for standard applications
75 kW at 525 V for standard applications
75 kW at 660 V for severe applications
75 kW at 690 V for severe applications
90 kW at 660 V for standard applications
90 kW at 690 V for standard applications

100 hp at 575 V for standard applications
25 hp at 208 V for severe applications
30 hp at 208 V for standard applications
30 hp at 230 V for severe applications
40 hp at 230 V for standard applications
60 hp at 460 V for severe applications
75 hp at 460 V for standard applications
75 hp at 575 V for severe applications


110 kW at 500 V for standard applications
110 kW at 525 V for standard applications
110 kW at 660 V for severe applications
110 kW at 690 V for severe applications
132 kW at 660 V for standard applications
160 kW at 690 V for standard applications
37 kW at 230 V for severe applications
45 kW at 230 V for standard applications
75 kW at 400 V for severe applications
75 kW at 440 V for severe applications
90 kW at 400 V for standard applications
90 kW at 440 V for standard applications
90 kW at 500 V for severe applications
90 kW at 525 V for severe applications

100 hp at 460 V for severe applications
125 hp at 460 V for standard applications
125 hp at 575 V for severe applications
150 hp at 575 V for standard applications
40 hp at 208 V for severe applications
50 hp at 208 V for standard applications
50 hp at 230 V for severe applications
60 hp at 230 V for standard applications


110 kW at 400 V for standard applications
110 kW at 440 V for standard applications
110 kW at 500 V for severe applications
110 kW at 525 V for severe applications
132 kW at 500 V for standard applications
132 kW at 525 V for standard applications
132 kW at 660 V for severe applications
160 kW at 660 V for standard applications
160 kW at 690 V for severe applications
200 kW at 690 V for standard applications
45 kW at 230 V for severe applications
55 kW at 230 V for standard applications
90 kW at 400 V for severe applications
90 kW at 440 V for severe applications

125 hp at 460 V for severe applications
150 hp at 460 V for standard applications
150 hp at 575 V for severe applications
200 hp at 575 V for standard applications
50 hp at 208 V for severe applications
60 hp at 208 V for standard applications
60 hp at 230 V for severe applications
75 hp at 230 V for standard applications


110 kW at 400 V for severe applications
110 kW at 440 V for severe applications
132 kW at 400 V for standard applications
132 kW at 440 V for standard applications
132 kW at 500 V for severe applications
132 kW at 525 V for severe applications
160 kW at 500 V for standard applications
160 kW at 525 V for standard applications
160 kW at 660 V for severe applications
200 kW at 690 V for severe applications
220 kW at 660 V for standard applications
250 kW at 690 V for standard applications
55 kW at 230 V for severe applications
75 kW at 230 V for standard applications

100 hp at 230 V for standard applications
150 hp at 460 V for severe applications
200 hp at 460 V for standard applications
200 hp at 575 V for severe applications
250 hp at 575 V for standard applications
60 hp at 208 V for severe applications
75 hp at 208 V for standard applications
75 hp at 230 V for severe applications


132 kW at 400 V for severe applications
132 kW at 440 V for severe applications
160 kW at 400 V for standard applications
160 kW at 440 V for standard applications
160 kW at 500 V for severe applications
160 kW at 525 V for severe applications
220 kW at 500 V for standard applications
220 kW at 525 V for standard applications
220 kW at 660 V for severe applications
250 kW at 660 V for standard applications
250 kW at 690 V for severe applications
315 kW at 690 V for standard applications
75 kW at 230 V for severe applications
90 kW at 230 V for standard applications

100 hp at 208 V for standard applications
100 hp at 230 V for severe applications
125 hp at 230 V for standard applications
200 hp at 460 V for severe applications
250 hp at 460 V for standard applications
250 hp at 575 V for severe applications
300 hp at 575 V for standard applications
75 hp at 208 V for severe applications


110 kW at 230 V for standard applications
160 kW at 400 V for severe applications
160 kW at 440 V for severe applications
220 kW at 400 V for standard applications
220 kW at 440 V for standard applications
220 kW at 500 V for severe applications
220 kW at 525 V for severe applications
250 kW at 500 V for standard applications
250 kW at 525 V for standard applications
250 kW at 660 V for severe applications
315 kW at 690 V for severe applications
355 kW at 660 V for standard applications
400 kW at 690 V for standard applications
90 kW at 230 V for severe applicationsv
100 hp at 208 V for severe applications
125 hp at 208 V for standard applications
125 hp at 230 V for severe applications
150 hp at 230 V for standard applications
250 hp at 460 V for severe applications
300 hp at 460 V for standard applications
300 hp at 575 V for severe applications
350 hp at 575 V for standard applications


110 kW at 230 V for severe applications
132 kW at 230 V for standard applications
220 kW at 400 V for severe applications
220 kW at 440 V for severe applications
250 kW at 400 V for standard applications
250 kW at 440 V for standard applications
250 kW at 500 V for severe applications
250 kW at 525 V for severe applications
315 kW at 500 V for standard applications
315 kW at 525 V for standard applications
355 kW at 660 V for severe applications
400 kW at 660 V for standard applications
400 kW at 690 V for severe applications
500 kW at 690 V for standard applications

125 hp at 208 V for severe applications
150 hp at 208 V for standard applications
150 hp at 230 V for severe applications
300 hp at 460 V for severe applications
350 hp at 460 V for standard applications
350 hp at 575 V for severe applications
400 hp at 575 V for standard applications


132 kW at 230 V for severe applications
160 kW at 230 V for standard applications
250 kW at 400 V for severe applications
250 kW at 440 V for severe applications
315 kW at 400 V for standard applications
315 kW at 500 V for severe applications
315 kW at 525 V for severe applications
355 kW at 440 V for standard applications
400 kW at 500 V for standard applications
400 kW at 525 V for standard applications
400 kW at 660 V for severe applications
500 kW at 690 V for severe applications
560 kW at 660 V for standard applications
560 kW at 690 V for standard applications

150 hp at 208 V for severe applications
200 hp at 230 V for standard applications
350 hp at 460 V for severe applications
400 hp at 460 V for standard applications
400 hp at 575 V for severe applications
500 hp at 575 V for standard applications


11 kW at 660 V for standard applications
11 kW at 690 V for severe applications
15 kW at 690 V for standard applications
3 kW at 230 V for severe applications
4 kW at 230 V for standard applications
9 kW at 500 V for standard applications
9 kW at 525 V for standard applications
9 kW at 660 V for severe applications
7.5 kW at 400 V for standard applications
7.5 kW at 440 V for standard applications
7.5 kW at 500 V for severe applications
7.5 kW at 525 V for severe applications
5.5 kW at 400 V for severe applications
5.5 kW at 440 V for severe applications

10 hp at 460 V for standard applications
10 hp at 575 V for severe applications
15 hp at 575 V for standard applications
2 hp at 208 V for severe applications
3 hp at 208 V for standard applications
3 hp at 230 V for severe applications
5 hp at 230 V for standard applications
7.5 hp at 460 V for severe applications


11 kW at 400 V for standard applications
11 kW at 440 V for standard applications
11 kW at 500 V for standard applications
11 kW at 525 V for standard applications
11 kW at 660 V for severe applications
15 kW at 660 V for standard applications
15 kW at 690 V for severe applications
4 kW at 230 V for severe applications
9 kW at 500 V for severe applications
9 kW at 525 V for severe applications
7.5 kW at 400 V for severe applications
7.5 kW at 440 V for severe applications
18.5 kW at 690 V for standard applications
5.5 kW at 230 V for standard applications

10 hp at 460 V for severe applications
15 hp at 460 V for standard applications
15 hp at 575 V for severe applications
20 hp at 575 V for standard applications
3 hp at 208 V for severe applications
5 hp at 208 V for standard applications
5 hp at 230 V for severe applications
7.5 hp at 230 V for standard applications


11 kW at 400 V for severe applications
11 kW at 440 V for severe applications
11 kW at 500 V for severe applications
11 kW at 525 V for severe applications
15 kW at 400 V for standard applications
15 kW at 440 V for standard applications
15 kW at 660 V for severe applications
22 kW at 660 V for standard applications
22 kW at 690 V for standard applications
7.5 kW at 230 V for standard applications
18.5 kW at 500 V for standard applications
18.5 kW at 525 V for standard applications
18.5 kW at 690 V for severe applications
5.5 kW at 230 V for severe applications

10 hp at 230 V for standard applications
15 hp at 460 V for severe applications
20 hp at 460 V for standard applications
20 hp at 575 V for severe applications
25 hp at 575 V for standard applications
5 hp at 208 V for severe applications
7.5 hp at 208 V for standard applications
7.5 hp at 230 V for severe applications


15 kW at 400 V for severe applications
15 kW at 440 V for severe applications
22 kW at 500 V for standard applications
22 kW at 525 V for standard applications
22 kW at 660 V for severe applications
22 kW at 690 V for severe applications
30 kW at 660 V for standard applications
30 kW at 690 V for standard applications
9 kW at 230 V for standard applications
7.5 kW at 230 V for severe applications
18.5 kW at 400 V for standard applications
18.5 kW at 440 V for standard applications
18.5 kW at 500 V for severe applications
18.5 kW at 525 V for severe applications

10 hp at 208 V for standard applications
10 hp at 230 V for severe applications
20 hp at 460 V for severe applications
25 hp at 460 V for standard applications
25 hp at 575 V for severe applications
30 hp at 575 V for standard applications
7.5 hp at 208 V for severe applications


11 kW at 230 V for standard applications
22 kW at 400 V for standard applications
22 kW at 440 V for standard applications
22 kW at 500 V for severe applications
22 kW at 525 V for severe applications
30 kW at 500 V for standard applications
30 kW at 525 V for standard applications
30 kW at 660 V for severe applications
30 kW at 690 V for severe applications
37 kW at 660 V for standard applications
37 kW at 690 V for standard applications
9 kW at 230 V for severe applications
18.5 kW at 400 V for severe applications
18.5 kW at 440 V for severe applications

10 hp at 208 V for severe applications
15 hp at 230 V for standard applications
25 hp at 460 V for severe applications
30 hp at 460 V for standard applications
30 hp at 575 V for severe applications
40 hp at 575 V for standard applications


11 kW at 230 V for severe applications
15 kW at 230 V for standard applications
22 kW at 400 V for severe applications
22 kW at 440 V for severe applications
30 kW at 400 V for standard applications
30 kW at 440 V for standard applications
30 kW at 500 V for severe applications
30 kW at 525 V for severe applications
37 kW at 500 V for standard applications
37 kW at 525 V for standard applications
37 kW at 660 V for severe applications
37 kW at 690 V for severe applications
45 kW at 660 V for standard applications
45 kW at 690 V for standard applications

15 hp at 208 V for standard applications
15 hp at 230 V for severe applications
20 hp at 230 V for standard applications
30 hp at 460 V for severe applications
40 hp at 460 V for standard applications
40 hp at 575 V for severe applications
50 hp at 575 V for standard applications


15 kW at 230 V for severe applications
30 kW at 400 V for severe applications
30 kW at 440 V for severe applications
37 kW at 400 V for standard applications
37 kW at 440 V for standard applications
37 kW at 500 V for severe applications
37 kW at 525 V for severe applications
45 kW at 500 V for standard applications
45 kW at 525 V for standard applications
45 kW at 660 V for severe applications
45 kW at 690 V for severe applications
55 kW at 660 V for standard applications
55 kW at 690 V for standard applications
18.5 kW at 230 V for standard applications

15 hp at 208 V for severe applications
20 hp at 208 V for standard applications
20 hp at 230 V for severe applications
25 hp at 230 V for standard applications
40 hp at 460 V for severe applications
50 hp at 460 V for standard applications
50 hp at 575 V for severe applications
60 hp at 575 V for standard applications


22 kW at 230 V for standard applications
37 kW at 400 V for severe applications
37 kW at 440 V for severe applications
45 kW at 400 V for standard applications
45 kW at 440 V for standard applications
45 kW at 500 V for severe applications
45 kW at 525 V for severe applications
55 kW at 500 V for standard applications
55 kW at 525 V for standard applications
55 kW at 660 V for severe applications
55 kW at 690 V for severe applications
75 kW at 660 V for standard applications
75 kW at 690 V for standard applications
18.5 kW at 230 V for severe applications

20 hp at 208 V for severe applications
25 hp at 208 V for standard applications
25 hp at 230 V for severe applications
30 hp at 230 V for standard applications
50 hp at 460 V for severe applications
60 hp at 460 V for standard applications
60 hp at 575 V for severe applications
75 hp at 575 V for standard applications

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